Reporting Abuse, Neglect and Fraud Against Healthcare Providers
Before you report neglect or abuse, you should call our office to find out the best way to proceed. In some situations, reporting abuse or neglect to certain agencies will not only result in no action being taken, but a shoddy investigation could result in the facility being exonerated. In addition, the manner in which you report information, including the facts being communicated to the investigator, can have a significant impact on the outcome of the investigation.
Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, PC
Phone: 703-564-7318 or 703-564-7336
A. Maryland Abuse Statute
In Maryland, abuse is defined by Section 14-101 of the Family Law article, Annotated Code of Maryland, which defines abuse as “sustaining of any physical injury by a vulnerable adult as a result of cruel or inhumane treatment or as a result of malicious act by any person.”
For assisted living abuse, report suspected abuse or neglect to the local Adult Protective Services (APS) office. There is a local APS office in each county’s Department of Social Services (as well as Baltimore City’s). You can find the list of offices here.
To report suspected abuse or neglect involving nursing homes in Maryland, contact the Office of Health Care Quality (OHCQ). You may call in your complaint to 410-402-8108 (or toll free to 877-402-8219). You may also mail in a written complaint or file online. See the following webpage here.
B. Reporting Elder abuse in Maryland
All suspected cases of Adult Abuse and Neglect should be reported to your local DSS Office or by calling 1-800-91-PREVENT or 1-800-332-6347.
The Maryland Department of Health of and Mental Hygiene has put out a brochure that provides some guidelines for those looking for assistance in notifying Maryland authorities about elder abuse.
C. Maryland Ombudsman
The Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities. They work to resolve problems of individual residents and to bring about changes at the local, state, and national levels that will improve residents’ care and quality of life.
Ombudsman can be volunteers or paid employees that are independent of any conflict of interest with a long-term care facility. Services are free and confidential.
- MARYLAND – Department of AgingMontgomery County – Office: (240)777-3369; Fax: (240) 777-1436
Prince George’s Co. – Office: (301) 265-8483 ; Fax: (301) 248-5066
Click here for the rest of Maryland
Office: (410) 767-2161; (410) 767-1100
For more information on abuse prevention, read the 12 things that can be done to prevent abuse.
D. Filing a Complaint Against a Doctor
Call the Maryland Board of Physicians at 410-764-4777 or 800 492-6836
E. Health Care Providers Refusing to provide records or information about injuries of medical condition
In Maryland, if you tried without success to get your medical records, do not give up. Help is available. For records from facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) and doctors, or other health care providers, contact the Office of the Attorney General’s Health Education and Advocacy Unit toll-free at 877-261-8807, or online here.
In addition: Maryland Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division
Consumer hotline: (410) 528-8662 or 1 (888) 743-0023 toll-free
For records from doctors, you may also contact:
The Maryland Board of Physicians
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215
F. Insurance Fraud
Insurance fraud artists steal billions of dollars each year from hardworking Americans. According to the Coalition on Insurance Fraud, it is estimated that each household pays approximately $1,000 extra in insurance premiums each year to offset the cost of insurance fraud.
Fraud takes many forms: completing a false document, making a false statement, an agent pockets a premium, selling unauthorized insurance, exaggerating a claim, making a fraudulent claim. These actions are illegal and happen every day by organized criminals and everyday people alike.
Click HERE for an Insurance Fraud FAQ.
Consumers are encouraged to report insurance fraud activities to the Maryland Insurance Administration’s Insurance Fraud Division. You need not give your name. Simply call 1-800-846-4069 or print and submit the attached form by mail or fax. Our fax number is: 410-347-5350. Consumers may also email fraud referrals by sending completed forms to
Free Consultation:
If you have questions about reporting issues or if you or a loved one has been neglected or abused, call the Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey for a free consultation.
Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, PC
8270 Greensboro Drive, Suite 810
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 703-564-7318
On the web at