


Mon - Fri 8:30AM – 5:30PM

Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia Auto Crash Attorneys

Will I have to go to Court to resolve my accident claim?

Most cases that are handled by experienced counsel settle outside of court, without the need for a trial. Your chances of settling out of court will likely be increased if you hire an experienced attorney. Where a case is settled out of the court, then the time and cost associated with going to trial will be avoided. With experienced counsel, most cases are settled outside of court without the need for trial. Your chances of settling outside of court will likely be increased if you hire an experienced attorney. Our attorneys can help you avoid spending extra time and money on going to trial. Cases are being increasingly mediated out of court. Mediation is a process where both parties agree to have a neutral party assist them in the settlement process.

If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident in Washington, D.C., Virginia or Maryland, talk to a personal injury claims lawyer at The Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey. We will work aggressively to resolve your claim through a negotiated settlement.

Call us at 703-564-7318 or schedule a free consultation by email.