

Mon - Fri 8:30AM – 5:30PM

Reporting Abuse, Neglect and Fraud Against Healthcare Providers

District of Columbia

Before you report neglect or abuse, you should call our office to find out the best way to proceed. In some situations, reporting abuse or neglect to certain agencies will not only result in no action being taken, but a shoddy investigation could result in the facility being exonerated. In addition, the manner in which you report information, including the facts being communicated to the investigator, can have a significant impact on the outcome of the investigation.

A. Washington DC abuse terms and relevant statutes

District of Columbia – § 22–932 Code of the District of Columbia defines “elderly” as a person who is 65 years of age. Vulnerable adult is defined as a person who is 18 years of age or older and has one or more physical or mental limitations that substantially impair the person’s ability to independently provide for his or her daily needs or safeguard his or her person, property, or legal interests. Code § 22–933 defines criminal abuse as person who is guilty of criminal abuse of a vulnerable adult or elderly person if that person intentionally or knowingly.

  1. Inflicts or threatens to inflict physical pain or injury by hitting, slapping, kicking, pinching, biting, pulling hair or other corporal means;
  2. Uses repeated or malicious oral or written statements that would be considered by a reasonable person to be harassing or threatening; or
  3. Imposes unreasonable confinement or involuntary seclusion, including but not limited to, the forced separation from other persons against his or her will or the directions of any legal representative.

B. Contact DC Adult Protective Services at (202) 541-3950

File a complaint online here.

C. Filing a complaint against a health care professional or facility

  1. When you are filling out the complaint form, provide as much information as possible, but definitely include the following:Name of Health Care Provider and/or Facility
    The person who is being abused by the provider or facility
    Any injuries suffered by the individual
    Date of occurrence
    Whether Police Were Notified and if so the agency and the complaint number in their records
    You can also fax your complaint form about unlicensed activity to (202) 442-4924.Via US Mail: Fill out complaint form (type information into fillable PDF form OR printout and handwrite your information), sign and mail to address below:
    Health Regulation and Licensing Administration – Facility Complaints
    899 North Capitol Street, NE
    Second Floor
    Washington, DC 20002

Paper Form: Fill out complaint form (type information into fillable PDF form OR printout and handwrite your information), sign and mail to one of the addresses below:

For complaints against health care professionals, mail your completed complaint form to:
DC Board of [the Board that regulates the licensed professional about whom you are complaining, e.g. Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, etc.]
899 North Capitol Street, NE
Second Floor
Washington, DC 20002

If your complaint alleges unlicensed activity, you should address your complaint to:
Supervisory Investigator
899 North Capitol Street, NE
Second Floor
Washington, DC 20002
You can also fax your complaint form about unlicensed activity to (202) 442-4924.

Please be advised that the health professional licensing boards do not have jurisdiction over fee disputes, except for billing for services that were not provided. If you have a fee dispute with a health professional, you can seek redress through the civil courts.
If you have been billed for services you were not provided, please also provide your information to The FBI Washington Field Office at HealthCareFraud.VA@ic.fbi.gov.

For more information, due to COVID-19, please contact the Health Regulation and Licensing Administration via our Call Center at 1(877) 672-2174.

Free Consultation:

If you have questions about reporting issues or if you or a loved one has been neglected or abused, call the Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey for a free consultation.

Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, PC
8270 Greensboro Drive, Suite 810
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 703-564-7318
Email: jdowney@jeffdowney.com
On the web at www.jeffdowney.com