

Mon - Fri 8:30AM – 5:30PM

FOIA Data Base – Hebrew Home of Greater Washington

Facility Characteristics:

  • Nursing Facility with 558 beds
  • Operational Control -29 Directors operating since 5/11/2011, 29 Directors since 5/1/1989; 4 Managing Employees since 1/18/2010
  • hebrew-home.org
  • Legal Business Name – Hebrew Home of Greater Washington, Inc
  • Non-profit Corporation

Researching Nursing Homes

A note by attorney Jeffrey J. Downey:

Thank you for visiting my website. Anyone who is considering the admission of a loved one into a nursing home should undertake a review of surveys or other data that will provide a snapshot of some of the issues or problems that the facility is experiencing. Keep in mind that this information can be limited and many not reflect the actual condition of the facility when your loved one is admitted. You should consider personal visits of any facility you are evaluating.

Read the full article.