Premises Liability – civil liability for injuries from dangerous conditions on property

What damages are recoverable in a premise’s liability case?
The typical damages that one may recover upon proving negligence would include recovery for physical injuries, medical expenses, pain and suffering and lost wages. Some states, like Maryland, may limit or cap recovery of non-economic damages in personal injury matters. Currently the District of Columbia and Virginia do not limit the recovery of non-economic in personal injury cases, although Virginia does have a cap for medical malpractice cases. Click here for more info.
More Questions – contact our office now for a free consultation
Jeffrey Downey is an experienced trial attorney who previously defended premises liability cases for insurance companies. Now he uses his 30 years of experience to benefit those filing claims against insurance companies. He practices in the states of Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia. If you have a question about a potential case, call our office for a free consultation.