Nursing Home and Elder Neglect and Abuse – Definitions

Contacting the Ombudsman
Ombudsman are people who can act as advocates or go-betweens in addressing complaints or concerns in our long-term care system. They can bring attention to health concerns in nursing homes in a constructive way and can elevate serious complaints to the local Department of Health.
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is funded by the Administration for the Aging of the US Department of Health and Human Services. In our region, the Ombudsman programs help senior live safely, comfortably, and actively, providing assistance on matters of adult protective services, benefits, assistance, caregiver programs, health insurance counseling, and legal services to name a few. The ombudsman are advocates for residents in nursing homes. Ombudsman can be volunteers or paid employees that are supposed to be independent of any conflict of interest with a long-term care facility.
You can contact the ombudsman through the following links;
VIRGINIA – Virginia Office of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Phone: 1 (800) 552-3402; (804) 565-1600; Fax: (804) 662-7663
In the Virginia Counties DC region (Fairfax, Arlington, Prince William)
MARYLAND – Department of Aging
Montgomery County – Office: (240)777-3369; Fax: (240) 777-1436
Prince George’s Co. – Office: (301) 265-8483; Fax: (301) 248-5066