


Mon - Fri 8:30AM – 5:30PM


Freedom of Information Act Responses

Sunrise Assisted Living of McLean

8315 Turning Leaf Lane

McLean, VA  22102

Phone: 703-734-1600

Website: https://www.sunriseseniorliving.com/communities/va/sunrise-of-mclean

Facility Characteristics:

  • Providing 24 nursing care in an assisted living setting.  Memory care unit is available
  • Facility is part of the Sunrise chain, managed by Sunrise Senior Living Inc and Sunrise Senior Living Management Inc.
  • Private insurance is generally not accepted unless it is long term care insurance
  • Admission contract required.  Some facilities require patients to sign mandatory arbitration provisions (waiving your right to a jury trial) as a condition of admission
  • Hospice care and therapy services offered.
  • Private rooms range from $4,300 to $9,000 per month depending on level of services provided


A note by Attorney Jeffrey J. Downey:

Thank you for visiting my website.  Anyone who is considering the admission of a loved one into an assisted living facility should undertake a review of surveys or other data that will provide a snapshot of some of the issues or problems that the facility is experiencing.  Keep in mind that this information can be limited and may not reflect the actual condition of the facility when your loved one is admitted.  Anyone who is considering admission into such a facility should undertake their own investigation, including a personal visit and discussion with the staff and residents, if permitted. 

Most assisted living facilities in Virginia are required to follow regulations, which have been enacted to protect the residents and assure that their rights are protected. Under Virginia’s “Standards for Licensed Assisted Living Facilities” a facility is required to provide a program of care that meets the resident’s “physical, mental and psychosocial needs” and  “the objectives of the service plan.” 22 VAC 40-72-40, Program of Care.  A facility is required to provide “staff adequate in knowledge, skills and abilities and sufficient in numbers to provide services to attain and maintain the physical, mental and psychosocial well-being of each resident as determined by resident assessments and individualized service plans.”  Under Virginia regulations, facilities are prohibited from admitting patients “whose physical or mental health care needs cannot be met in the specific assisted living facility.  .  .”  22 VAC 40-72-340(G)(12).

Many assisted living facilities have aggressive marketing tactics that seek to admit patients who may not be suitable for an assisted living setting.  An assisted living facility is not a nursing home and they are generally not staffed to provide the level of skilled nursing care that a nursing home would provide.  This may lead to the neglect of a resident’s needs, especially if that resident is at high risk for pressure wounds, skin break-down, falls, malnutrition or dehydration, or suffers from other complex medical issues.

Searching the internet for information on assisted living facilities can be challenging, as there are multiple sources of potential information.  The above information was obtained through the Department of Social Services website and may provide some useful information on the facilities identified herein.   Feel free to contact the Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey for additional information on this or other facilities.  

For more information contact the Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, representing patients who are neglected or injured in assisted living facilities in Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C.

Phone – 703-564-7318 Email – Jdowney@jeffdowney.com