by Jeffrey J. Downey, Esq
If you have a loved one in a nursing home or assisted living facility, you understand the importance of ensuring their well-being and safety. However, vulnerable patients in nursing homes can sometimes develop bed sores, also known as pressure sores or pressure ulcers, due to negligent caretakers. These sores are serious injuries that, if left untreated, can lead to long-term damage and even death.
If you suspect your loved one has suffered from pressure sores due to neglect in a Maryland nursing home, legal action is the next step you should take. You may need the assistance of a skilled bed sore attorney to seek justice and compensation for your loved one’s suffering. You should contact a Maryland Nursing Home attorney to protect your rights.
Causes Of Bed Sores
According to the National Institutes of Health, pressure sores can develop due to various factors. The leading causes include constant pressure on bony prominences, prolonged pressure on healthy skin and underlying tissue, friction with a hard surface, moisture on the skin, a lack of blood supply to the affected area and decreased sensory perception.
Bedsore Prevalence: How Common Are Bedsores in Nursing Homes?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bed sores are more prevalent among certain groups. Those with limited mobility, seniors with poor nutrition or anemia, and individuals living in nursing homes or long-term care facilities are at higher risk. These sores can lead to severe joint infections, sepsis, osteomyelitis, and even death without appropriate treatment. Immobile patients in assisted living facilities or nursing homes are at increased risk for the development of pressure injuries. Commonly, such injuries develop first on the sacrum, buttocks, or bony prominences of legs, like heels.
Symptoms of Bed and Pressure Sores
Identifying the symptoms of bed sores is crucial for early intervention and treatment. Look out for unusual discharges, darkened areas on the skin, areas of increased warmth, changes in the skin’s texture, unexplained pain in affected areas, deep wounds, and indicators of diminished blood flow like swelling or coldness. If your loved one in a nursing home displays these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention for a timely diagnosis and treatment. You may want to insist that the wounds be evaluated by a wound specialist who is not affiliated with the facility.
Common Locations of Pressure Ulcers
Pressure sores commonly occur in specific areas, such as the buttocks, heels, spine, ischial tuberosities (sitz bones), coccyx (tailbone), and shoulder blades. Caregivers and medical professionals in nursing homes must monitor these areas for any skin changes that may indicate the presence of ulcers.
Proper Lifting Techniques
Caregivers in nursing homes should use proper lifting techniques to prevent bed sores and muscle strain. They should lift patients using their legs, ensuring both feet are shoulder-width apart and aligned with the hips and knees. The patient’s head should face forward while their arms are at their sides to reduce the risk of pressure sores.
Pressure Ulcer Prognosis
Early pressure sores may require minor treatment, such as changing the person’s position and applying medicated bandages regularly. However, if left untreated, these ulcers can lead to severe medical conditions, including sepsis, pneumonia, cellulitis, kidney failure, blood clots, dead tissue, and gangrene.
Proving A Sore Pressure Claim
You must prove nursing home abuse and medical negligence to be entitled to legal compensation. This means providing solid evidence that your loved one’s pressure sore resulted from a caregiver’s breach of duty of care. A qualified bed sore attorney can help you build a strong case and pursue justice for your loved one.
In many Maryland nursing homes, bed sores are a serious concern. These injuries can lead to severe complications and death if not treated promptly and properly. If you suspect nursing home neglect or abuse has resulted in bed sores, seek legal assistance. Contacting a reputable bed sore attorney can help you navigate the complexities of the legal process and pursue the compensation your loved one deserves.
Nursing Home Negligence and Abuse Resulting in Bedsores
If you suspect that your loved one’s bed sores were caused by nursing home neglect, you may have grounds to file a personal or malpractice claim. A Maryland nursing home attorney can help you seek compensation for hospitalization costs, medical expenses, rehabilitation and therapy bills, temporary or permanent disabilities, pain and suffering, mental anguish, and funeral expenses.
About The Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, P.C:
The Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, P.C is a client-centered medical malpractice firm. Mr. Downey has over 30 years of trial experience and started his career defending personal injury and malpractice cases for insurance companies. Now he uses that experience to help his clients.
Contact Information:
The Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, P.C.
McLean Virginia Office
8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
McLean, VA 22102
McLean Law Office Map & Directions
Phone: 703-564-7318
Fax: 703-556-7700