


Mon - Fri 8:30AM – 5:30PM

Langley, VA Anesthesia Error Attorney

Maryland Medical Malpractice

Our Lawyers Represent Clients In Medical Malpractice Cases In Langley, VA

The misadministration of anesthesia can have catastrophic consequences for a patient. Certain procedures involve injections into the spinal canal where mishaps can result in damage to the spinal cord.

The anesthesiologist is one of the most important medical professionals involved in the surgery. He or she plays a vital role throughout the process. Even a small mistake can have a devastating consequence, leading to death, brain injury and other catastrophic injuries that can last a lifetime.

Before you enter the operating room your anesthesiologist is responsible for:

  • Evaluating your airways
  • Reviewing and evaluating your medical history
  • Understanding which post-surgical drugs are safe during your recovery

During surgery, your anesthesiologist may make a mistake such as:

  • Improperly inserting the breathing tube (intubation)
  • Administrating excessive or not enough anesthetic
  • Improper or insufficient monitoring of your vital signs
  • Failure to respond to complications as they arise.

If you feel you have suffered injury or have lost a loved one because of an anesthesiologist’s mistake during a surgical procedure, you may be entitled to seek full and fair compensation. Make sure to call our Langley, VA Anesthesia Error Attorneys today!

Contact Our Law Firm

If you or a loved one was injured due to a medical mistake, contact The Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, P.C., to discuss your case.