Washington DC Assisted Living Negligence Attorney. The elderly are an extremely vulnerable segment of our population in Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland. While we hear a lot about the negligence and abuse that occur against the elderly in nursing homes, there are less recognized acts of negligence occurring at assisted living facilities.
Wrongful Admission To Assisted Living Can Harm Elders
Assisted living is not the right option for every elder person, including those who need constant medical supervision, are immobile or are mentally incapacitated. Such individuals require more care and attention than an assisted living facility is qualified/staffed to give. However, many of these elder people are still admitted to assisted living facilities through improper screening. Unfortunately, without the proper care that they need, these elder men and women are subject to accidents, malnourishment, dehydration and a range of other injuries.
Neglect And Abuse In Assisted Living Facilities
While assisted living facilities are geared toward more independent residents than nursing homes, many still offer daily assistance and services, such as help with dressing, using the restroom, bathing and providing meals. However, some residents do not receive the timely help they require to bathe or use the bathroom. Others are left without meals. This neglect can leave residents humiliated, injured and living in inhumane conditions. While these offenses may be due to inadequate staffing, in the worst cases, assisted living residents are victims to intentional physical or sexual abuse.
Advocating For The Elderly And Holding Responsible Parties Accountable
If your loved one was the victim of elder abuse or neglect in an assisted living facility, you have a right to file a legal claim. The Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, P.C., can help you do so. Attorney Jeffrey Downey has more than 25 years of legal experience and has successfully handled a range of elder abuse cases. He is well-known throughout Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland for his staunch advocacy of the elder population. Through aggressive legal representation, he helps clients obtain financial compensation for the negligent actions of assisted living facilities. His goal is always the same as his clients — to hold these organizations responsible for their actions. If you’re in need of a Dranesville, VA assisted living negligence attorney, call us today.
Contact Our Law Firm To Learn More
Contact our assisted living negligence lawyers at 202-712-9106 to learn how we can help.
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