


Mon - Fri 8:30AM – 5:30PM

Bike lane

Every year, thousands of bicyclists become involved in accidents all across the United States. While some injuries sustained as a result of these collisions are minor and heal quickly, many lead to serious and sometimes life-threatening injuries. The Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey aims to provide those who have been injured as a result of a biking accident with a way to find compensation and peace of mind.

For those who have been injured as a result of a biking accident in Centreville VA, Jeff Downey strives to be the first resource for those who need immediate help from a Centreville VA Bike Accident Attorney. All cyclists are aware of the many risks that biking can pose, but one thing they may not be aware of is the fact that bicycles are also considered motor vehicles in the eyes of Virginia law.

Even if a cyclist has been injured in an accident by another person who was driving a car or other vehicle, their own actions could have contributed to what happened to them on at least some level. An experienced Bike Accident Lawyer firm, like the Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey in Centreville VA will be able to help bicyclists understand why this is important and whether any compensation for injuries sustained should take into account how much fault lies with the bicyclist rather than their accuser.

Contact Our Law Firm — We Serve Clients In Washington, D.C., Maryland And Virginia

If you or a loved one was injured due to a bike accident, contact The Law Office of Jeffrey J. Downey, P.C., to discuss your case.